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there is no way to enter solarium trap info. this is one key trap that needs to be figured into defense capability, however it is missing in the tables
Baltazar is right. Need to add that to the traps.
Wheres the Solarium Trap? Its missing.
still missing almost 2yr after it was first mentioned... WTB updates please.
Need to add to table yourself using the add new item tab at the top of the calculator. Add solarium traps - 50 defence bonus - min lvl is 18 - price is 10000. Hope that helps guys. Feel free to add me, hkg838 :-)
Add GDQG8C, Once your invite get accepted, Enjoy Free Bloods and Wins + Max Horde.
Add code GXPMEH and enjoy the 2b free flesh. :)
Add code GXPMEH and enjoy the 1T income and 500B in hand. :)
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