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Mark Of Mafia

  9 ratings (press stars to rate)

Mark Of Mafia Real Estate Calculator

Empty Yard
Current Value: 4500
Income per property: 50
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.01111
(Buildings)       Edit   
Business Lot
Current Value: 50000
Income per property: 300
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.006
(Buildings)       Edit   
Downtown Block
Current Value: 1000000
Income per property: 2500
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.0025
(Buildings)       Edit   
Marina Square
Current Value: 4500000
Income per property: 10000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.00222
(Buildings)       Edit   
Undeveloped Land
Current Value: 20000000
Income per property: 45000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.00225
(Buildings)       Edit   


Best buy: Empty Yard
Total Owned: 0
Family: 0
Total Incomed from Real Estate: 0
Upkeep cost: 0
Total Income: 0

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13/06/2011 | 16:16h.
Mark of Mafia manager

This is more of a ? . Ive been attempting to update profile, input figures, etc.. with no avail
Bottom line, Is this site active or am I completely wasting my time? Would appreciate

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