- Massively Multiplayer ONLINE Vampire Game for the iPhone and iPod Touch!
- FREE updates with new missions, abilities, slaves, and more!
- Fight other vampires LIVE
- Strengthen your vampires with the strongest physical abilities, sensory abilities, and transformations
- Feed your thirst for blood by acquiring slaves to gather blood for you
- Bring your friends into your coven to make it stronger
- Perform numerous dark missions
- Enjoy gorgeous graphics
- Loot rare items and abilities
- Get real time updates
- Comment on other vampires
- Broadcast messages to your clan
- ...and much, much more!
Looking for people who play regularly, trying to level up and get more slaves and clannies. Add my code: cj6meg
Add storm 8 Id coolss 2 for more money
Just starting out and need clan members add me guys code: 32PNP4
Add code BUUNG2 and enjoy the 100m income and 500b in hand. :)
Add code BUUNG2 and enjoy the 1T income and 500B in hand. :)
W467AG Add me guyz xD
add KQ75W8
add KQ75W8
Add me
Lord ZX (R5NHP4)
Just add. GCQHFH. works!!!
http://www.GetMonthlyPay.com/index.php?invite=4495 Hit the Link
The only cheats for these types of games are glitches! These people telling you to add this code for more blood or win every attack and my favorite add this code for 200 billion extra blood are liars they just want you to add their code, THERE IS NO CHEAT CODES FOR S8 GAMES!!! All you can do is add a code and get a clan member👍 qyjcg5 add me thanks
The only cheats for these types of games are glitches! These people telling you to add this code for more blood or win every attack and my favorite add this code for 200 billion extra blood are liars they just want you to add their code, THERE IS NO CHEAT CODES FOR S8 GAMES!!! All you can do is add a code and get a clan member👍 qyjcg5 add me thanks
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