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Star Command

  1 ratings (press stars to rate)

Star Command Cosmic Realtor Calculator

Current Value: 5000
Income per property: 100
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.02
(Unexplored)       Edit   
Current Value: 50000
Income per property: 300
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.006
(Unexplored)       Edit   
Ice Field
Current Value: 1000000
Income per property: 2000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.002
(Unexplored)       Edit   
Current Value: 10000
Income per property: 300
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.03
(Establishments)       Edit   
Boarding Dock
Current Value: 30000
Income per property: 700
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.02333
(Establishments)       Edit   
Fueling Station
Current Value: 85000
Income per property: 2000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.02353
(Establishments)       Edit   
Trading Station
Current Value: 200000
Income per property: 5000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.025
(Establishments)       Edit   
Star Park
Current Value: 400000
Income per property: 10000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.025
(Establishments)       Edit   
Galactic Toll Gate
Current Value: 11000000
Income per property: 100000
Total Income: 0
Earn Ratio: 0.00909
(Establishments)       Edit   


Best buy: Junkyard
Total Owned: 0 (0 left to max)
Crew: 0
Total Incomed from Cosmic Realtor: 0
Upkeep cost: 0
Total Income: 0

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