- Massively Multiplayer ONLINE Mafia Game for the iPhone and iPod Touch!
- FREE updates with new missions, weapons, real estate, and more!
- Fight other players LIVE
- Arm your mob with the most powerful weapons, armor, and vehicles
- Control the city by acquiring real estate and extracting a fat income from them
- Bring your friends into your mob to make it stronger
- Perform numerous dangerous missions
- Get real time updates
- Comment on other mobsters´ profiles
- Broadcast messages to your mob
- ...and much, much more!
Add 3HEH39
Please add me to mob. My mob code 7GFTK9.
Add me!! 9ANVJ4
Ytjw7f add me for 150 mob members and 1 billion income
youll get 23 extra mob people and 2112657 dollars every hour if you add this code BFRQPW
Plz add Me b76aug strong mobie
go to my mob..insert mob code .qwt7vf..hit invite..after that hit missions..then go back home then into my mob and insert YOUR mob code...hit invite..it will say unable to find that person..once that is done go to the home and spend all the mission earnings on real estate..ENJOY
go to my mob..insert mob code g9nqx7...hit invite..after that hit home..then go back into my mob and insert qwt7vf mob code...hit invite..it will say unable to find that person..once that is done go to the home menu hit accept and invite ..and done
Add me 8mvqhx you will receive free David points and 1trillion dollars
Enter Mob Code: EB3HWV
Enter Mob Code: EB3HWV
I was at war with a guy named The man, and the next thing I know he had removed his own comments off my wall!!! does any one know how he did that? can some one tell me how to do it?
please help me to get some money and mob members because my account got hacked i have no idea how so please help me to get some money to by real state thnx
If u add 8VMVMP you will get 800 favor points, 40 mob members, all equipment will have no upkeep, and you will get 20 billion dollars!!!! Approved by YouTube and other sites
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