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Legal Notice

General terms and conditions

All rights including copyright in the content of the website www.irpggames.com are owned or controlled by Inxenio Internet Consulting or third parties.


Inxenio Internet Consulting is a company located in Spain. The registration number is CIF: B15927510 and email: info [at] irpggames [dot] com.


Permission can be granted to electronically copy, and to print in hard copy, portions of this website, or using this website for individual non-commercial use, through a written approval from Inxenio Internet Consulting. Any other use of materials on this website, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, broadcasting, downloading, storage or showing in public, modification, distribution or republication is strictly prohibited.


Inxenio Internet Consulting reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions at its website at any time, changing, deleting or adding any contents and services as well as the way they are showed at its website.


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