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Zombies Live

  81 ratings (press stars to rate)

Zombies Live Missions Manager

Name Horde req. Energy req. Exp. Gained Earnings Exp. Ratio Earn Ratio
1 Escape from the Morgue 1 8 1 3 - 5 0.125 0.01
2 Feed on Pedestrians 1 26 3 10 - 18 0.115 0.01
3 Resist Vampire Attack 1 42 5 12 - 35 0.119 0.01
4 Defeat Local Gangsters 2 60 8 20 - 50 0.133 0.01
5 Feast on Police Officer 1 74 9 24 - 68 0.122 0.01
6 Infiltrate Goth Club 2 88 10 32 - 84 0.114 0.01
7 Follow the Vampires Underground 3 114 13 48 - 115 0.114 0.01
8 Defeat Vampire Lord 4 125 14 60 - 125 0.112 0.01
9 Raid Hospital for Flesh 5 138 15 72 - 148 0.109 0.01
Best to gain experience: Defeat Local Gangsters (Slums)
Best for earnings: Raid Hospital for Flesh (Slums)
Name Horde req. Energy req. Exp. Gained Earnings Exp. Ratio Earn Ratio
1 Defeat Vampire Gang 2 100 11 40 - 96 0.11 0.01
2 Attack a Stray Werewolf 5 150 16 65 - 184 0.107 0.01
3 Capture Scientist 6 162 17 75 - 210 0.105 0.01
4 Infiltrate Laboratory 7 176 18 80 - 245 0.102 0.01
5 Raise a Zombie 5 190 19 100 - 275 0.1 0.01
6 Trail Werewolf Pack 8 204 21 110 - 340 0.103 0.02
7 Enter Sewer through River 10 216 22 140 - 390 0.102 0.02
8 Attack Sewer Beasts 9 228 23 175 - 455 0.101 0.02
9 Take out Werewolf Guards 13 240 24 200 - 540 0.1 0.02
10 Defeat Werewolf Leader 15 256 26 225 - 650 0.102 0.03
11 Break Into Morgue 17 272 29 275 - 745 0.107 0.03
Best to gain experience: Defeat Vampire Gang (Parkside)
Best for earnings: Break Into Morgue (Parkside)
Name Horde req. Energy req. Exp. Gained Earnings Exp. Ratio Earn Ratio
1 Raise Zombie Army 20 285 31 300 - 870 0.109 0.03
2 Destroy City Square 24 300 33 350 - 1000 0.11 0.03
3 Take Down Army 27 312 36 340 - 1200 0.115 0.04
4 Level City Hall 30 326 39 400 - 1360 0.12 0.04
5 Fend off Vampire Assassins 35 340 41 480 - 1540 0.121 0.05
6 Torture Information out of Vampire 41 354 42 560 - 1750 0.119 0.05
7 Escape from Slayers 48 368 44 650 - 2000 0.12 0.05
Best to gain experience: Fend off Vampire Assassins (Downtown)
Best for earnings: Escape from Slayers (Downtown)
Name Horde req. Energy req. Exp. Gained Earnings Exp. Ratio Earn Ratio
1 Drive Vampires out of Caves 56 385 45 800 - 2200 0.117 0.06
2 Locate Laboratory Extension 62 400 48 940 - 2500 0.12 0.06
3 Obtain Manufactured Disease 70 418 50 1150 - 2800 0.12 0.07
4 Trick Slayers into Attacking Vampires 78 432 51 1250 - 3200 0.118 0.07
5 Spread Disease to Farm Animals 85 446 52 1420 - 3600 0.117 0.08
6 Locate Vampire Lair 94 465 54 1700 - 4000 0.116 0.09
7 Raid Countryside Cemeteries for Bodies 102 484 57 1800 - 4700 0.118 0.1
8 Spread Disease to Slayers 110 500 60 2000 - 5700 0.12 0.11
9 Infiltrate Vampire Lair 120 518 62 2100 - 7000 0.12 0.14
10 Defeat the First Elder 130 534 70 2400 - 8200 0.131 0.15
Best to gain experience: Defeat the First Elder (Countryside)
Best for earnings: Defeat the First Elder (Countryside)

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10/11/2010 | 04:24h.
Solarium Trap

there is no way to enter solarium trap info. this is one key trap that needs to be figured into defense capability, however it is missing in the tables

18/12/2010 | 00:50h.

Baltazar is right. Need to add that to the traps.

25/10/2011 | 19:43h.
Solarium Trap??

Wheres the Solarium Trap? Its missing.

02/07/2012 | 17:30h.
solarium trap

still missing almost 2yr after it was first mentioned... WTB updates please.

05/11/2012 | 11:49h.
Solarium traps

Need to add to table yourself using the add new item tab at the top of the calculator. Add solarium traps - 50 defence bonus - min lvl is 18 - price is 10000. Hope that helps guys. Feel free to add me, hkg838 :-)

22/03/2013 | 02:54h.
ATMs/Win Givers/Max Members.

Add GDQG8C, Once your invite get accepted, Enjoy Free Bloods and Wins + Max Horde.

28/06/2013 | 04:43h.

Add code GXPMEH and enjoy the 2b free flesh. :)

28/06/2013 | 04:51h.

Add code GXPMEH and enjoy the 1T income and 500B in hand. :)

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  1. SCT63D
  2. MCQ4EB
  3. D6BUB7
  4. UQG79T
  6. WJ3NKT
  7. 276U8G
  8. T3SJD2
  9. JGVW38
  10. K8PQ8G
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