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Vampires vs. Werewolves

  3 ratings (press stars to rate)
image for Vampires vs. Werewolves for iphone

Vampires vs. Werewolves

Vampires vs. Werewolves takes place in a gothic horror world where clans of the two most fearsome creatures of the night fight for superiority and blood.

From the makers of Mafia: Respect and Retaliation and Agency Wars comes a howling experience you can sink your teeth into. Vampires vs. Werewolves LITE takes place in a gothic horror world where clans of the two most fearsome creatures of the night fight for superiority and blood.

Choose between Vampires and Werewolves and make your species proud. Explore the moonlit world as you embark on dark quests and unlock supernatural dangers that will lead you on eerie, mythical journeys.

Invite your friends to join your Clan; the more of your friends that are the same species as you, the more you are keeping your bloodline true and strong to help defeat the enemy clans that walk this cursed world. Place your most dangerous enemies on your personal vendetta list. Possess humans that dare cross your path so you can build and control a massive undead army.

Vampires vs. Werewolves also features a game within a game: Alchemy Creation allows you to arm yourself with threatening powers – such as ‘Vicious Fangs’ and ‘Howling Blast’ – and wreak havoc among your enemies. Place your creations in the Auction House for sale, or buy abilities from other players in the live economy.

Using Facebook Connect, infect your friends and get them hooked on this game. Update your Facebook status and compete with them to defeat your enemies.

One of the most inventive games available on the iPhone and iPod Touch, this game will keep you on your toes and up all night.


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