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Race Wars

  3 ratings (press stars to rate)

Race Wars Garage Manager

Name Crew req. Energy req. Exp. Gained Earnings Exp. Ratio Earn Ratio
1 Slash Rival Tires 1 1 1 200 - 300 1 0.03
2 Cut Rival Brakes 1 3 3 800 - 1200 1 0.04
3 Backlot Race 1 5 5 1400 - 2500 1 0.05
4 Bleah Rival Tank 1 7 8 2800 - 4600 1.143 0.07
5 The Venice Job 2 10 11 4000 - 6000 1.1 0.06
6 Driveby Driver 3 15 16 5000 - 15000 1.067 0.1
7 Drive Escort 5 18 20 48000 - 72000 1.111 0.4
8 Race for Pink Slips 7 20 30 0 - 0 1.5 0
9 Peak to Peak Race 15 25 27 100000 - 400000 1.08 1.6
10 High Speed Hijacking 20 30 32 450000 - 800000 1.067 2.67
11 Midnight City Run 25 35 38 1000000 - 2000000 1.086 5.71
12 Getaway Driver 30 40 44 2000000 - 4000000 1.1 10
13 Raid Police Impound 35 30 45 0 - 0 1.5 0
14 Celebrity Driver 35 40 45 5000000 - 10000000 1.125 25
15 NAZCAR Ringer 40 45 50 20000000 - 45000000 1.111 100
16 Raid Chop Shop 47 40 60 0 - 0 1.5 0
17 Supe My Drive 55 50 55 70000000 - 110000000 1.1 220
18 Beachside Race 90 60 65 120000000 - 200000000 1.083 333.33
19 Win Car Jackpot 90 50 75 0 - 0 1.5 0
20 Quarter-mile Face-off 105 50 80 170000000 - 250000000 1.6 500
21 Gone in 50 120 70 75 220000000 - 300000000 1.071 428.57
22 Blackmail Rival Mechanic 135 50 110 500000000 - 1000000000 2.2 2000
Best to gain experience: Blackmail Rival Mechanic (Quests)
Best for earnings: Blackmail Rival Mechanic (Quests)

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