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  4 ratings (press stars to rate)

iMafia Real Estate Calculator

Name Owned Price Income Tot. Income Earn Ratio
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1 Outer City Lot -1+1 5000 100 0 0.02
2 Studio -1+1 10000 300 0 0.03
3 Restaurant -1+1 30000 700 0 0.02333
4 Town Square -1+1 50000 300 0 0.006
5 Gas Station -1+1 85000 2000 0 0.02353
6 Aparment -1+1 200000 5000 0 0.025
7 Hotel -1+1 400000 10000 0 0.025
8 Main Street -1+1 1000000 2000 0 0.002
9 Strip Mall -1+1 1000000 25000 0 0.025
10 Luxury Estates -1+1 5000000 50000 0 0.01
11 Shopping Mall -1+1 11000000 100000 0 0.00909
12 Office Highrise -1+1 16000000 150000 0 0.00938
13 5-Star Hotel -1+1 20000000 200000 0 0.01
14 Casino -1+1 40000000 300000 0 0.0075
15 Resort -1+1 90000000 500000 0 0.00556


Best buy: Studio
Total Owned: 0
Mafia: 0
Total Incomed from Real Estate: 0
Upkeep cost: 0
Total Income: 0

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