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Dragon Masters

  13 ratings (press stars to rate)
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Dragon Masters

For countless centuries the three major races of Aesgir have been at war, each tribe sending their bravest DragonMasters into battle...

As a fledgling DragonMaster, you must choose a side and join their epic struggle. Will you join the the regal Halthor of the Southlands? Should you side with the brutish Kerzyg from the Northford? Or do you ally with the mysterious Vindani who call the Wasteregions home? Choose wisely- each tribe has unique advantages, equipment, quests, and strategies!

Control and expand the territories of Aesgir to build your War Chest, complete quests to gain Experience, and battle thousands of other DragonMasters around the world! Build up your DragonMaster and mount with hundreds of items. Unlock new quests, items, and experiences with every level you achieve. Explore all the areas of a vast world- with new content added evey week, and player-created quests, there are always new things to discover. The secrets of Aesgir await you!

- Massively Multiplayer Online role-playing and battling
- Build and outfit your character, Dragon, and Realm
- Different weapons, items, quests, and secrets for all 3 major character classes
- Battle players around the world in PVP
- Unlockables, secrets, and updated content to keep the game fresh
- Control Territories and build on them to gain Gems, the currency of Aesgir
- Earn Gems to buy items, and lock them away from other players in your War Chest
- Collect Dragon Runes to increase your stats
- Bolster your ranks by Summoning other players of your race to join your Tribe so you can battle larger and more powerful Tribes
- Healer cures your battle wounds
- Return the scattered Artifacts to the Ancestral Dragon to gain incredible advatages!
- Create your own quests, share them with other players... and get rewarded!
- New updates often!


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  1. 976396282
  2. 163528376
  3. 119640886
  4. 511073072
  5. 976296282
  6. 150761629
  7. 143790999
  8. 135284003
  9. 656154915
  10. 803575357
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